Poisson's ratio is defined as the negative of the ratio of the lateral strain to the axial strain for a uniaxial stress state. If a tensile load is applied to a material, the material will elongate on the axis of the load ﴾perpendicular to the tensile stress plane﴿,
Tensile deformation is considered positive and compressive deformation is considered negative. The definition of Poisson's ratio contains a minus sign so that normal materials have a positive ratio. Poisson's ratio, also called Poisson ratio or the Poisson coefficient, or coefficient de Poisson, is usually represented as a lower case Greek nu, n.

Note: Poisson's Ratio has no units
Poisson's ratio is sometimes also reffered to as the ratio of the absolute values of lateral and axial strain. This ratio, like strain, is unit less since both strains are unit less.
For stresses within the elastic range, this ratio is approximately constant. For a perfectly isotropic elastic material, Poisson's Ratio is 0.25, but for most materials the value lies in the range of 0.28 to 0.33.
Generally for steels, Poisson's ratio will have a value of approximately 0.3. This means that if there is one inch per inch of deformation in the direction that stress is applied, there will be 0.3 inches per inch of deformation perpendicular to the direction that force is applied.
In other words poission ratio indicates the fraction by which a material is deformed by the action of compressive or tensile(elongating) force in one of its perpendicular direction...
the best example to understand its physical effect is when u stretch a rubber band,it increases its length and at the same time,its diameter decreases , amount of decrement is given by poisson's ratio wrt its elongation
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